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Our talented team of AIRS® Certified Technical Recruiters is ready to match you to a job that best suits your skills and expertise. Plus, our list of current job openings is updated daily and available for browsing.​

Our hiring process involves getting to know you and what type of job you are looking for.

We also offer resume and interviewing advice to help make you more marketable. We are here to help you succeed and land the job you want.

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Man typing on a computer

Benefits of contracting

Have questions about taking a contracting position? Learn about the benefits and what separates TM Floyd & Company from other organizations.

Our consultants and corporate staff all play an important role at TM Floyd & Company.​

We have many talented consultants and staff who have been with TM Floyd & Company long term (some more than 20 years), which we view as a true testament to our workplace culture.

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TM Floyd & Company Employees holding up social media logo signs

If you're looking for your next job and need to update your resume or brush up on your interviewing skills, we’re here to help!