Choosing the Right Employer for You in 2022

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Choosing the right job can be tricky. Some people are focused on salary, while others are focused on flexibility. As our lives change, so do our priorities. What once was most important to you may take a back seat as you progress in your career. There are some important things to consider when choosing your […]

What Does the Future of Telehealth Look Like?

Medical professional on a virtual call

Telehealth allows patients to receive certain clinical and non-clinical health services at home or remotely through technological means. This healthcare modality has become increasingly popular over the past decade as internet capabilities and other smart technologies have improved and become increasingly accessible for patients and clinicians. For those who are bedridden, far away, or busy, […]

What Jobs Are Available in Health Information Technology?

emergency room

We are completely dependent on technology and electronic communications in our healthcare system across the board today. From hospitals to dermatologists, chiropractors, pharmacies, and pediatricians—medical offices use computers and technology to operate. Practically everything is digitized now from patient charts to x-rays and even prescriptions. Medical professionals need hardware, software, networks, cloud computing/cloud storage, IT […]