Are you interested in a career in IT and wondering where to start? Whether you’re a new college grad or making a career shift, there are several paths you can take as you embark on your IT journey.  

Types of Entry-Level IT Jobs 

To help you get started in your search, we’ve compiled a list of five entry-level tech jobs that are all great options. This list includes each job with a short job description and what types of skills are needed for each role.  

Job Title  Description  Skills & Requirements 
Help Desk Technician  Provide technical support and assistance to customers, employees, or clients who have issues with their hardware, software, or network. May work in an office, a call center, or remotely.  Good communication, problem-solving, and customer service skills, as well as a basic knowledge of IT systems and tools. 
IT Support Specialist  Similar to a help desk technician but may have more responsibilities and authority. Troubleshoot and resolve more complex IT issues, install and configure IT equipment and software, and train and educate users on IT best practices. May also work on IT projects and initiatives.  Strong technical, analytical, and interpersonal skills, as well as a comprehensive understanding of IT systems and processes. 
Network Administrator  Maintain and manage the network infrastructure of an organization. May also monitor and optimize network performance, security, and availability, and troubleshoot and resolve network issues.  Advanced technical, networking, and security skills, as well as certifications, such as CompTIA Network+ or Cisco CCNA. 
Web Developer  Create and maintain websites and web applications, using various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. May work on the front-end, the back-end, or both, depending on the project and the client.  Proficient coding, design, and testing skills, as well as a portfolio of web projects to showcase your work. 
Data Analyst  Collect, analyze, and interpret data from various sources to provide insights and recommendations for business decisions, strategies, or actions. May work with different types of data and use different tools and methods.  Strong mathematical, statistical, and analytical skills, as well as curiosity and business acumen. 

You can see in the table above that the skills and qualifications for these IT roles can vary. However, there are a few ways you can set yourself apart from the crowd. Here are some things to help you stand out: 

      • A degree in IT, computer science, or a related field. While this is not always a requirement, it can give you a competitive edge and a solid foundation of IT knowledge and skills.  

        • A certification in IT, such as CompTIA A+, Microsoft MTA, or Google IT Support Professional. This can demonstrate your competency and credibility in IT and help you stand out from other candidates. Certifications can also help you learn new skills, update your knowledge, and prepare for specific IT roles or technologies. 

          • A portfolio of IT projects or experience. Portfolios are a great way to showcase your IT skills, abilities, and achievements. You can include projects or experience from your education, work, internship, volunteer, or personal activities, if relevant. 

            • A passion and a curiosity for IT. Staying updated on IT trends and news, participating in IT communities and events, and exploring new IT tools and technologies all demonstrate your interest in and commitment to being in IT. 

          IT is a diverse and expansive field with many IT roles to consider for your career, let one of these roles help get you started. 

          How TMF Can Help You 

          As an IT staffing company, TM Floyd offers all levels of IT job opportunities. Let us help you take that first step into IT. Contact us today for more information on our roles or check out our job board

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